This whole piece that Scruton wrote is on the aesthetics of architecture. I like some of the topics that he compared architecture to. I do agree with him that you need to have a knowledge of a subject if you are to understand it better but also to put your knowledge into practice.
There is one paragraph on p. 7 that talks about Collingwood's view on expressionism. Now maybe I saw this paragraph all wrong or maybe I didn't read it right but i do believe architecture is a form of a craft and it is a skill. It is an expression of someone's ideas, beliefs, and likes. In order to have the expression, one must have the first craft it.
On p. 13 Scruton states that "the private arts require much of their expressive character from the personal manner in which we approach them, from the ability of such arts to address themselves to a specific, and perhaps highly specialized, audience." My first question is is there not a personal side to architecture too? I do believe architecture can have a personal side. The different materials used, the design of the project, etc. all lead to your personal choices.
These were some of the things that stuck out to me in this reading.
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