Today there are some many different technologies such as cell phones, computers, ipods, etc. Even when you are at the store there are different technologies there such as the cash register. Everything seems to be run by technology. Today for one of my projects, I had to cut on the cnc router down on south campus. In the old days of architecture and design, you had to cut everything by hand. This time I got to put a file in a machine and it did all the cutting for me.
One thing has always stumped me though. What happens if our technology went away? How would we react and what would we do? Would we still be able to function on a day to day basis? At your house your food would go bad, you wouldn't be able to heat anything up, and you would have no electricity. Could we really live without technology?
Technology in architecture has been so helpful and useful but i think we have lost the touch of hand drawings and actually working with our hands to put things together... not making a computer do it for us. Also I think architecture and technology goes great together cause it allows us to explore different options of building our projects. All in all, technology like anything else has its ups and its downs.
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